Wednesday, October 8, 2008

'Yeehaw'...It's Done!

So, here are the final pictures on this painting. Keep in mind, I am a "painter" not a photographer. I am debating on whether or not the letters looked better before they were turned into "rope" letters, but the person it is for says she "loves it", so they will stay. I also added some fringe on the ends of the rope as well as some details to the horseshoe. The person this is for is the designer/owner of LeeLou Blogs and we have become "blog friends" over the last few weeks. She is such a sweet person and says she wants to blog about her piece of art. I am not saying this to brag, but I just thought that was so very nice of her that I just wanted to say "Thank You" to her here on my blog.

I already delivered 'CRC' to it's owner last weekend and she says she "LOVED IT" as well. I was relieved to find out that her husband was the designer of the linking CRC and I wasn't infringing on anyone's rights! Whew!

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