Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back...and Better Than Ever!

Hey friends, followers, and supporters of Initial Designs...long time no "see"?? I hope things have been better for you all these past several months than they have been here. Not trying to be a Debbie Downer because things are looking up with all thanks to God, which brings me to the point of this post. I have taken about a 6 month break from my business and painting (for the most part) because too much was going on and I really couldn't even commit to doing a painting. Sorry to Shirlee, Weeza, and Stephanie, but thanks for your understanding and support. I will get started on your paintings. Anyways, I am back and, with the help of God, better than ever. The past year has had its ups and downs, but God has pulled me through and I am emerging on the other side stronger and more faithful than ever. As a thank you to God and a commitment to Him, I am re-aligning my business and its purpose. My purpose with Initial Designs originally was to glorify God by using the talent He gave me, but now I want to have that idea be the drive behind the business and use most all profits to go to Christian support services, volunteer organizations, and not-for-profits. Over the next few weeks expect to see some changes in the lines of artwork offered, more specific descriptions of the places I plan to make donations and support, and even a calendar of events so my readers can start helping some great causes as well. I also plan to do some posting, as I have some in the past, about issues that concern me, families/people/blogs I come across that inspire me to be a better person, and even, God willing, some events that I might try to lead to raise additonal money for good causes. Stay tuned...a lot of great things are coming from Initial Designs!


Kristin said...

Hi! Glad to hear from you again :) I was just thinking about you the other day when I saw you on facebook.

HappyascanB said...

Glad you're back!! Welcome!!